Checking In On Your Wellness - Podcast on April 30, 2020

Checking In On Your Wellness - Podcast on April 30, 2020

COVID-19 & Sheltering-in-place has shifted personal engagement paradigms for everyone.  Our mental focus has been impacted by media, fear of infection, news about friends/relatives impacted, fear of the unknown post-crisis.  Richard Onque, a community spiritual medium, counselor, and trainer shares how can you establish skills to help you manage your wellness using techniques and tools readily available in your home.

Annual Spiritual Forecast for 2018


Annual Spiritual Forecast for 2018

Following is my Annual Spiritual Reading of the Year. The Spirits provide us with information that prepares us to deal with the upcoming events/matters. As well as tools and advice to be successful and avoid and/or minimize the impact that we will face. As a disclaimer, I have not reviewed any other forecasts from 2017 to avoid any influences from other avenues. So, there may be some similarities and/or differences due to universal conscientiousness. For me, I believe the Chinese New Year starts the New Year, and I gathered information from my Spiritual Guide on the Chinese New Year. In this case, it was Friday, February 16, 2018.
There are some key items to keep in mind and as well as advice on key areas of interest. The categories are as follows:

Key Words: Goals and Action

It's time to really get serious about your plans, steps, and actions. To bring your success to the forefront, you should focus on spiritual gatherings, collective prayer groups and prayer circles. In writing your goals, you should also include others with them. However, just ask people you trust to include your goals in their prayers. Share some of your thoughts, you do not need to give all the details, but inspire and encourage others in the process. You should have some level of alone time. But to make your goals manifest, you must share with others what you are thinking and what you'd like to accomplish. This does not mean you need to share all the details, but key shared words are required.

In a collective group, there cannot be the fear that someone will steal your ideas. The sharing within good gatherings will help to manifest your goals faster. Also, avoid just creating thoughts and ideas! Rather, you must bring forth ACTION to existence for your goals. With ideas, you should move forward with the creation of plans. In your groups, you will ask the collective conscience or group members to help bring clarity to your thoughts and plans. Don’t do it alone!

Symbol: Arrow

The arrow represents direction. Meaning you have to focus on targeted thoughts and dreams but on a very specific path. With planning, you don’t need to focus on where you are going but on creating a plan. The arrow is your guide to direction. The arrow also speaks of trust and revelation. You should have an wear an arrow charm or necklace and keep a single arrow on your person. Drawing arrows while you journal or doodle also serves as a reminder to stay on your path. While your direction may not be clear yet your arrow represents focus and your target in relationship to your goals. When you find yourself unsure about a matter, rub or hold that arrow for clarity, help and guidance. You should include an arrow on all written plans. Even drawing one on your plans to clear the path. Your Spirit Guide (your Higher Self) is clear that you are asking for a solid direction from a higher place.

Numbers: 8, 1, 4

This years’ Power numbers are 8, 1, and 4. You may consider playing the 3 numbers, or make decisions with these numbers. Important decisions should be made on these days of the month, and these times of days (1 pm only, 8 am or 4 pm, 7 am or 7pm) for success and/or in your favor. However, you should not start anything spiritual at 1am, or 4 am. These times are not in your best interest.

Element: Earth

This year is about foundation and security. Decisions should be well thought out, very clear and precise. You really should take time to invest in your thoughts. In other words you must plant the seeds, nurture, and monitor everything. This year you must pay attention and keep watch of what's going on in your life and around you. This is also the time for observation of all things. It is not wise to take chances. Rather have an idea of what is to come.

If your foundations are not secure, you will see the ‘breaking’ of things. Meaning, movement of unsecured ground. This is the time for exposure, release and change. Earth is about expansion and new direction as well. You must really watch people, places and things. Earth is about bringing things to the surface, and uncovering. As well as earthquakes, earth movement and ground movement. Therefore if you plant seeds, you really have to be involved, research and know what you are investing your time into. This is the time for you to further yourself and pay attention.

One good exercise is planting seeds to bring life to your ideas. Spend time outside and plant or replant your plants. If you are paying attention you will see growth. As well as knowing when you have outgrown a space. Earth, in this time, is recognizing a time for grow and moving forward. Because you are paying attention, and not making decisions based on fear, then you will clearly know to stay on a journey or know it is time to move through or move on.

Color:  Blue

Blue is about a sense of peace, love and trust. Because you are clear in your decision, you should see an increase in confidence. Because your plans are solid, worrying should diminish; don’t worry, but breath. You should wear more color or shades of blue. Include the color of blue when you need a feeling of security and security in your decisions. Blue is about the deep breath of security and will help generate a smile in yourself and others. So, try to bring the color of blue in your surroundings.

Advice on Key Matters


This is the time when deep rooted problems will come to the surface and be exposed. This includes blood line issues, nervous system related issues and bone structural as well. You have to monitor your sugar intake (i.e. diabetes), blood pressure and any family hereditary problems. This is the time to invest in your wellness. There are no quick fixes, and you should invest in a permanent wellness plan (i.e. better eating habits, exercise program, etc.).

This year is also about changing diets and truly seeing yourself. This is a time for reflection and mirror exercises. You should get a small mirror and look at who you plan to be. With a concentration on wellness, you will see the ‘real’ you in the mirror. Start to believe in yourself more! This year is about working with others in these type plans. Working alone will yield the opposite desired outcome. Doing this alone will bring to the surface the painful truth. People will act out alone because they have been holding so much, and it creates an explosion from within. The explosion manifests itself in the form of mental illness, unexplained behaviors and inner pain. Don’t be alone in this time, speak out mildly.


This time is about investing in good relationships and partnerships. Take your relationships to the next level and make the time to invest in what is best all around. This is a very loving and secure time and and also about commitment. You should really reflect on what’s next in your relationships. This year is about traveling together being outdoors and growing together. You should spend time in wooded areas, in the mountains, on trails, camping and hiking. As well as planting trees, harvesting and growing things. This is the time for patience and slowing down. It is also about the appreciation of what you have. It is also the time for family outings, picnics and road trips together. As well as forgiveness of the past. Conversely, this is also the time for ending relationships that are not good for you.

With exposure of pain, this is the time for letting go and finally ending bad relationships. This is the time of ending of addictions and begin the road to recovery. With earth, this is the beginning of new, good relationships and the end of bad toxic ones. This is the year of the truth, acceptance of the truth and discovery of the truth.
It will be very painful, but necessary. Once a relationship has ended, you have to review what happened, learn from it and don’t look back. In healing, blue color stones are recommended.


This is the time for investments and watching your money carefully. Because you are watching, you will need to also watch who is investing your money on your behalf (i.e. portfolio managers, stock brokers and even taking a closer look at your 401(k). This is great for long term decisions and learn more about what you are actually investing in. Don’t react to quick changes because of the ups and downs. Try not to be distracted, but to focus on what is truly happening. You must not be distracted. This is also a growth time for small or old ideas and positive ideas. You should invest in your small idea because it will become profitable.

This holds true for midsize companies as well. Financially, invest in midsized company and pay close attention to the big companies. If you don’t look at everything you may lose. If you don’t know about investments, you should learn. Again, you'll need to work in groups and together. Don't just count on one person or one company. Good partnerships are wise and know who you are working with. It’s a win/win time BUT, if you don’t look into your investments carefully, you could lose.

This is also a year to begin new long term projects. Listen carefully and seek the future in long term business endeavors. Don’t be fooled by totally unheard of companies or totally new ideas. Check and ‘feel’ or sense what is best.

Overall, you should be slowing down, and seeing your truth. As well as yourself. You really shouldn’t be alone in your decision making and seek prayer circles. Network and deal with your feelings headon. This is a time for healing, a time to invest, and a time to build and/or strengthen your foundation. Invest in your happiness, and get guidance! Empower yourself, release yourself from poor decisions, negative people, additions and focus on your plans. Make PLANS and take ACTION!

Have a wonderful NEW year!
Rich O.

How to Make a Spiritual Love Bath

The element of water is so powerful and ever changing. One thing that is consistent is its ability to renew, restore and replenish a current throughout and within whatever it comes in contact with. 

For centuries, civilizations around the world have used water to cleanse the body and remove negative energies. By combining special herbs and oils, spiritual baths utilize several other elements to assist in bringing about what you desire. 

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, love and relationships are often at the forefront of our minds. I created the video above to teach you how to make a love bath of your own! It's pretty powerful and over the years has helped past clients attract the love of their life.

Try it out and share this video with 3 people that YOU love most! Sharing is caring! You also have the option of purchasing a custom made love bath which makes great Valentine's Day presents!

Order one for you and a friend!