Often the first step in gaining insight into one’s life via the exploration and genuine connection with your Spirit guides and higher powers. A 60-90 minute deep consultation provides informative information and tools necessary for life’s important decisions, all while nourishing the soul.

Book your Spiritual Consultation Here!


The element of fire is powerful and has been used to carry and invoke messages to high beings since the beginning of time. By creating the right combination of natural oils, unique carvings and blessings, spiritual candles have the power to transcend your requests in the areas of health, protection, love, spiritual guidance and more beyond this realm.

Purchase our candles from our Store


A practice that began as early as the third century, natural oils and herbs are blended to cleanse the body of emotional and physical negativity, and blocked blessings. This service can aid in adjusting your body to the healing rhythms of the seasonal cycle. Custom baths, tailored for specific concerns may be just what you need to bring about your desires.

Purchase your Spiritual Bath Here!


Utilizing the elements of air and fire to connect both the material and spiritual planes to import balance. Native Americans initiated the art of smudging to deploy the burning of specific herbs and roots to remove unwanted presences, demonic beings, longstanding curses and lingering negativity. This practice has been known to not only clear a space for blessings, but purify areas from bacteria and diseases as well.


Friendship and wisdom with the words of compassion and understanding is the persona of Richard Onque. When searching for an understanding of my purpose in this life, he gave me the tools to find it myself , while lending me his support and knowledge. He is a gentle and compassionate man whose love and devotion to his faith inspires me and inspires others. I am blessed that the universe  allowed our roads to come together so that we walk together in faith, understanding and love and not by sight.

Aletha O.

“For over 15 years, I have been a client. From my very first visit, we connected and have developed both a spiritual and professional relationship. Richard has an authentic and unique gift. Throughout the 15 years, he has guided me through the many transitional seasons in my life. He has provided guidance related to family matters, my career and marriage.  Almost 11 year ago, I visited Richard to seek guidance related to issues I was having trying to conceive.  My husband and I had almost given up hope but Richard heard our heart cry to become parents. Richard guided us through an ocean ceremony to assist us in fulfilling our hearts desire. The ceremony ushered us through a cleansing and connection with nature/water. Happy to share, we are the proud parents of 10 year old twin boys who are healthy and happy.  Thanks Richard for hearing the desires of our heart...we are eternally grateful.Twice a year, I look forward to our sessions to jump start my year and to ensure I’m on the right course mid –year. Richard has blessed not only been a blessing to my family but my friends as well.”

Tracy M.

“Richard is definitely one of a kind! He is by far one of the best  spiritualists I have ever had the pleasure to work with. His knowledge of the spirit world and his ability to navigate any spiritual scenario is simply phenomenal.  In addition, he also has a unique ability to spirituality guide people in a way that allows them to live their best life.! It is always great to work with him.”

Oya Dina

“If you are looking to take meaningful action in your life than Richard’s goal setting class is for you. There are times when we all feel unsure of ourselves and have a hard time prioritizing how to move forward. Richard will help you to identify what is most important and most realistic to achieve your goals and dreams. Whether you need to take a big step or just make small changes, it is important to have a plan in place. Richard will help you to organize your next steps with designated due dates to keep you on track. He will then follow up with you to ensure that you are following your action plan. Richard helps you to feel inspired rather than overwhelmed. He instills confidence in you that you have the ability to change your life…which we all do! I highly recommend this class! The results are invaluable!”

Caren Z.

“For years I was working jobs that were very unsatisfying. So in November 2013 I asked Richard for a reading in regards to my job situation. What he told me was not over-the-top, jump for joy type of information. Instead the information was exactly what I needed to sustain myself for the next few years. Richard told me that I was going through a change and he then told me that I would go through three permanent jobs before I came to the one that was for me; and the one that was for me would put me in a management position working with families. Today I am a supervisor for the Child Welfare System in Philadelphia County. The change took three years to manifest and I'm glad that I had information to sustain me during my time of change.”

J. C. E.